765.037,00 €
5 Zi.
13505 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
781.444,00 €
5 Zi.
13505 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
638.416,00 €
5 Zi.
12309 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
746.837,00 €
7 Zi.
12309 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
765.037,00 €
5 Zi.
13505 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
637.902,00 €
5 Zi.
12309 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
775.061,00 €
5 Zi.
13505 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
1.179.000,00 €
8 Zi.
13465 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Haus, Mehrfamilienhaus
Tauchen Sie ein in die besondere Atmosphäre eines außergewöhnlichen Zweifamilienhauses, das bereits seit 1936 Geschichte schreibt und nun darauf wartet mit neuem Leben erfüllt zu werden. Dieses massiv erbaute Traumhaus bietet Ihnen - aufgeteilt
in zwei Wohnungen - eine großzügige Wohnfläche von ca. 225 m² auf einem weitläufigen Grundstück von ca. 913 m² und überzeugt durch seine baujahrestypische Ausstattung mit hohen Decken, Holz-Kassetten-Türen und doppelten Holzkastenfenstern. Jede der beiden gleich großen Wohneinheiten verfügt über vier gut geschnittene Zimmer, die durch ihre Helligkeit und den warmen Charakter von Fischgrat-Parkett und Dielenböden bestechen. Jeweils eines der Zimmer wirkt wie ein Wintergarten und lässt die Natur ins Haus - es ist zu jeder Jahreszeit ein Rückzugsort voller Ruhe und Behaglichkeit. Im Erdgeschoss laden zudem die sonnige Terrasse und der weitläufige Garten dazu ein, lange Sommerabende unter freiem Himmel zu verbringen. Im Keller erwarten Sie ca. 111 m
1.349.000,00 €
6 Zi.
12347 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
Ein Traumhaus Die Oase an der Grenze von Britz zu Tempelhof, inmitten ruhiger Einfamilienhäuser bietet - ein 221 m² großes Haus mit 6 Zimmern - großen grünen Garten (u.a. Hochbeete) - beheizten Pool - Außen-Whirlpool, ganzjährig nutzbar -
einem Sauna-Haus mit vollwertigem Bad und - einer Garage mit elektrischem Tor Das Objekt ist in einem sehr gepflegten Zustand. Der ursprüngliche 2-Etagen-Bau aus dem Jahre 1946 wurde 2004 um ein Dachgeschoss erweitert und vollständig neu aufgebaut. Der knapp 50qm große Anbau stellt das heutige Wohnzimmer dar, an dieses schließt sich der 24qm große, beheizbare Wintergarten. Von hier aus geht es in den Garten mit Whirlpool und beheizbarem Schwimmbad. Auf der Dachfläche des Anbaus ist in der 1. Etage des Hauses eine große Terrasse entstanden. Wohnräume, wie Küche, Wohnzimmer mit Kamin, ein Zimmer und ein Gäste-WC befinden im Erdgeschoss. Das 1. OG wird sowohl über eine Innentreppe als auch über einen Fahrstuhl erschlossen. Dies gilt auch für das 2.OG, we
775.061,00 €
5 Zi.
13505 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
746.837,00 €
7 Zi.
12309 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
659.692,00 €
7 Zi.
13589 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
638.416,00 €
5 Zi.
12309 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
550.757,00 €
5 Zi.
13589 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
560.781,00 €
5 Zi.
13589 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
567.164,00 €
5 Zi.
13589 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
638.416,00 €
5 Zi.
12309 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
675.000,00 €
4 Zi.
13465 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Haus, Doppelhaushälfte
Zum Verkauf steht diese familiengerechte Doppelhaushälfte mit einem ca. 486 m² großen Grundstücksanteil. Auf dem insgesamt 972 m² großen Süd-/Westgrundstück wurde 1972 ein Doppelhaus in Form von Wohnungseigentum (ideelle Teilung) errichtet.
Jede Haushälfte verfügt über eine eigene Heizung und wird eigenständig bewirtschaftet. Das Haus bietet folgende familiengerechte Raumaufteilung: Erdgeschoss: großzügiger Eingangsbereich mit Treppe in die Etagen, Gäste-WC, großes Wohn-/ und Esszimmer mit Ausgang auf die Terrasse und zum Garten, Küche Obergeschoss: 2 Kinderzimmer, ein Schlafzimmer mit Balkon, Bad/WC Dachgeschoss: 2-3 ausgebaute Räume (keine direkte Treppe vorhanden) Kellergeschoss: Vorraum, ca. 24 m² Hobbyraum mit Tageslicht, Heizungsraum mit Waschplatz und Öltank
3.395.000,00 €
13 Zi.
14129 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Haus, common.property_type.villa
Ein Angebot dieser Art kommt bereits an sich nur sehr selten auf den freien Markt und in dieser Lage und Größe bekommen Sie noch viel seltener Angebote wie dieses. Meist werden derartige Grundstücke in der Familie vererbt und weitergegeben. Dieses
großartige, fast schon parkähnliche Grundstück mit 1779 m² bietet Platz zum Träumen und bietet für jeden eine Lösung an. Das ursprüngliche Haus wurde ca. 1940 um einen Anbau vom Keller bis zum Dach erweitert. Das vorhandene Haus ist derzeit unterteilt in eine Einheit im EG mit Kellergeschoss und eine Wohnung mit separatem Eingang im Ober- und Dachgeschoss. Das Objekt eignet sich daher hervorragend für ein Mehrgenerationenhaus. Allerdings können Sie es auch zu einem großen Haus mit Innentreppe durch geringe Maßnahmen umbauen. Auf jeder Ebene befindet sich eine Küche sowie ein Badezimmer zumindest mit Dusche (DG). Die Zimmer im EG und OG haben eine altbautypische Deckenhöhe sowie im EG wunderschönen Stuck im Bereich des ursprünglichen Hauses. D
428.529,00 €
3 Zi.
13129 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Bungalow, Haus
Mit einem LivingHaus Fertighaus erhältst du nicht nur ein Gebäude, sondern ein individuell gestaltetes Zuhause, das genau auf deine Bedürfnisse und Wünsche abgestimmt wird. Im charmanten Blankenburg erwartet dich ein Bungalow, der Urlaubsfeeling
pur verspricht. Der Entwurf besticht durch seine raffinierte Architektur mit einem Satteldach und einem komfortablen Dachüberstand, die den Charakter des Hauses prägen. Mit nur einer Etage und einer großzügigen Wohnfläche von 82 m² bietet dieses Haus eine optimale Raumaufteilung für individuelle Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Ein Querhaus erweitert den Wohn- und Essbereich auf 25 Quadratmeter - ideal für gemütliche Abende mit Familie oder Freunden. Von hier aus gelangst du direkt auf deinen überdachten Freisitz, perfekt zum Entspannen im Freien, geschützt vor der Mittagssonne. Living Haus setzt auf zusätzliche Leistungen, die dein Wohnerlebnis perfektionieren. Die Traumküche wird passgenau zu deinem Grundriss geplant und punktet mit modernster Techn